Global Education Assessment Tools
Assessment is a crucial part of education. Teachers are constantly using formative and summative assessment within their classrooms to help them close the gap between the present level of performance and grade level standards. Teachers, Coaches and Administrators collaborate to examine student work and choose appropriate curriculum to meet the needs of their students.

When choosing an assessment tools for Global Education, teachers and administrators will need two types of assessment tools. The first type of assessment tool is a rubric or matrix that teachers can use to assess student work. The second type of assessment tool is a checklist that helps teachers and administrators to evaluate the importance that global education has within their current school culture. Global Education Assessment tools are continuing to be created in schools around the world but the clearest and most useful tools seem to align with the work of the Veronica Boix Mansilla and The Asia Society. The table below lists some of these assessment tools.
For assessing student work, I really like using "The Global Competence Outcomes and Rubrics" from the Asia Society. I find this tool to helpful in my planning, teaching and assessment. I like that the performance indicators and I Can Statements are aligned to age appropriate development and that they build on each other as the students grow. The rubrics provided starting in grade 3 are very clear and concise. There is one rubric for each Global Competency and each rubric is broken down by emerging, developing, proficient and advanced. This language is not diminutive and is based on a strength-based approach rather than a deficit-based approach. The language within the rubrics and performance indicators aligns with the language and performance indicators within the Next Generation Learning Standards. There are other resources below that you might consider referencing in your planning such as the pages referenced below from "Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World" but "The Global Competence Outcomes" are my personal preference for assessing student work.
For assessing school and classroom culture, I really like The Global Education Checklist for Teachers, Schools, School Systems and State Agencies. This is a long self-assessment tool but there are sections for targeted audiences. Unlike The AFS Global Competence Readiness Index, you need to draw your own conclusions about your results. In taking portions of this assessment several times, I have thought it would be best to take portions of this self-assessment in small Professional Learning Communities. My own school community values teacher leadership and welcomes teacher voice when making school-wide decisions. Taking the assessment in PLCs would allow teachers and administrators to have rich discussions around the indicators. The individual indicators are very specific and could be used to set SMART goals for globalization in classrooms, grade, schools, districts or school systems. This assessment tool will also help schools to assess equity in their schools. Creating a school culture that embraces global education is creating a school community that embraces equity.